By All Means Convening Catalog
EdRedesign Lab launched By All Means in February 2016 to rethink education and child development systems in partnership with local communities. To accerelate the work, we host a series of convenings that bring together policymakers, educators, and community leaders to re-envision public education and its governance. Below, you can find a catalog of all presentations and materials from past convenings.

Day 1
- Video Recording (Welcome address, Community highlights, Community introductions)
Video Recording (Lunchtime Briefing: Designing Connected Communities To Provide Pathways out of Poverty, Strategic Financing, Advocacy and Policy Making in a Post-ARPA Context, Transformative Models of Place-Based Innovation)
Strategic Financing: Advocacy and Policy Making in a Post-ARPA Context
Transformative Models of Place-based Innovation:
- Nigel-Ray Garcia, Baltimore Corps
Day 2
Data Strategy for Systems Change:
- Video Recording: (Data Strategy for Systems Change)
- Video Recording: (Looking Ahead and Closing Remarks)
- Rajni Banthia, MEDA: Leveraging Data for Systems Change
- Alan Cohen, CPAL: An Overview of CPAL: Leveraging data to break intergenerational cycles of poverty in Dallas
- Michael Looft, Marin Promise Partnership: From Spreadsheet to System: Developing a robus data infrastructure
Community Leads Slides
- Prof. Paul Reville - Kickoff and Welcome
- Sagar Desai, Managing Director of Innovation, StriveTogether
- Elizabeth Gaines, CEO, Children's Funding Project
- Hayling Price, Senior Managing Director, External Engagement, Harlem Children's Zone
- Ross Tilchin, Associate Director of Economic Mobility, Results for America
KEYNOTE | Geoffrey Canada: Collaborative Action for a More Equitable Future
Recording ǀ No Slides
American Rescue Plan: The Promise of and Challenges to Rebuilding Communities
Recording ǀ Slides
Additional Resources:
- Children’s Funding Project’s Updated Guide to Cradle-to-Career Federal COVID-19 Funding
- How much ESSER funding is coming to your state? How about your local school district? Visit to find out.
- Find this guidance as well as official State and Local Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund allocations here.
Putting Relationships at the Center of Success Planning
Recording ǀ Slides
Additional Resources:
Website for Oakland Community Schools
Curated Resources for Navigators
A Caring Adult Supporting Every Child: Building Strong Communities for Children & Youth
Recording ǀ Slides
Additional Resources:
Everyone Graduates Center
Corps for Student Success Framework
AmeriCorps State Service Commissions
Stockton Service Corps
Baltimore Corps
Energizing Collaboration Across Sectors: Community Engagement & Organizing for Sustainability
Recording ǀ No Slides
Additional Resources:
Poughkeepsie on the Rise
Poughkeepsie Children’s Cabinet’s How To Work with Your Working Group
Early Lessons in Building Trauma-Sensitive Schools (Partnership for Resilience)
Collaborative Action in a Rural Setting featuring Resilient Southern Illinois
Parent Mentor Program in Illinois
Collaborative Action for Equity and Opportunity by Paul Reville and Lynne Sacks
KEYNOTE ꟾ Our Worthy Challenge: Creating Access and Opportunity for All
Susan Dynarski, professor of public policy, education and economics at the University of Michigan, where she holds appointments at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, School of Education, Department of Economics and Institute for Social Research will deliver our keynote address. Prof. Dynarski’s research focuses on understanding and reducing inequality in education. She will share her insights about the quest for equity and the challenges the pandemic has presented. Prof. Dynarski will be joining the Harvard Graduate School of Education as a professor of education on July 1, 2021.
Recording Here
Advancing Equity Through Children’s Cabinets
Stefan Lallinger, a fellow at the Century Foundation and the Director of TCF’s Bridges Collaborative where he focuses on issues of racial and socioeconomic integration, equity, school governance, and district-charter relationships, will address the group. Following Stefan’s remarks, EdRedesign staff will share draft guidance materials for ensuring equity is a bedrock of cabinet work. Please take a few minutes to review the equity resource guide materials in the pre-read materials prior to this session.
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
Youth and Community Voice: Cabinet Strategies for Engagement
Eyal Bergman, HGSE EdLD student and founder and former director of the Family & Community Engagement Office in the Cajon Valley Union School District in El Cajon, California as well co-author with Dr. Karen Mapp of an updated version of the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships, will lead a session focused on strategies for engaging youth, families and the community in cabinet work. This session will be interactive and allow attendees to ask questions and meet in small groups.
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
Strategies for Meeting the Needs of All Children: Adult Navigators & Success Plans in Action
By All Mean communities will share examples of success planning and the role of adult navigators in ensuring the success of all students including those with learning differences. EdRedesign staff will share our latest guidance documents. There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions and to meet in small groups.
Recording Here
Keynote: Connecting the Dots Between Early Learning and the Foundations of Lifelong Health in a COVID-19 World
Jack Shonkoff, Julius B. Richmond FAMRI Professor of Child Health and Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health & Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
How Do We Build a Better America in the Wake of the Pandemic?
Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration & Founding Director of the Education
Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Mayor Jim Coppinger, Hamilton County, TN
Mayor Joe Curtatone, City of Somerville, MA
Mayor Kimberley Driscoll, City of Salem, MA Mayor Jorge Elorza, City of Providence, RI
Mayor Michael Tubbs, City of Stockton, CA
Recording Here
How Can Philanthropy Leverage this Crisis Moment to Address Inequities in America?
Celine Coggins, Executive Director, Grantmakers for Education
Mayor Greg Fischer, City of Louisville, KY
Mayor Libby Schaaf, City of Oakland, CA
Heather Graham, Program Director, Learning Differences Program, The Oak Foundation
LaVerne Evans Srinivasan, Vice President of the National Program and Program Director of Education, Carnegie Corporation of New York
Recording Here
Reflections on BAM 2.0 & Looking Forward to BAM 3.0 & Three Lessons about Supporting Human Relationships and Resilience in Low Resource Settings
Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration & Founding Director of the Education Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Bridget Rodriguez, Managing Director, Education Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Molly Blankenship, Executive Director, Chattanooga 2.0
Recording Here
Junlei Li, Saul Zaentz Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
Strategies for Funding Supports for Children, Youth, and Families During Crises
Elizabeth Gaines, Founder and Director, The Children’s Funding Project
Mary Ellen Wiggins, Director of Policy and Research, The Forum for Youth Investment
Stefan Lallinger, Fellow and Director of TCF’s School Diversity Collaborative, The Century Foundation & Doctorate of Educational
Leadership(EdLD) Candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration & Founding Director of the Education
Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
Innovation in Early Childhood Systems: Providing Comprehensive Supports From 0-5
David Jacobson, First 10 Initiative, Education Development Center
Priya Jagannathan, Director, Oakland Starting Smart and Strong
Lisa Kuh, Director of Early Education, Somerville Public Schools
Jennifer Davis, Senior Advisor, Education Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Slides Here ꟾ Recording Here
When School Is Online: Addressing the Learning Needs of Our Most Vulnerable Students Speakers:
Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell, Superintendent, Oakland Unified School District
Joseph Blatt, Faculty Director of Technology, Innovation, and Education, HGSE
Bob Cunningham, Executive Director of Learning Development, Understood
Andrew Frishman, Co-Executive Director, Big Picture Learning
Zelia Gonzales, Big Picture Learning Alumna
Lynne Sacks, Research Director, Education Redesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Recording Here
Social Determinants of Health Overview ǀ Daniela Lewy, Managing Partner, Social Determinants of Health Consulting, LLC: This session will provide context to Social Determinants of Health and education outcomes are affected by these social determinants of health.
Social Determinants of Health and Education Success: And What We Can Do about Them ǀ Dr. Tony Iton, Senior Vice President of Healthy Communities, The California Endowment (Video Recording): Dr. Tony Iton, Senior Vice President of Healthy Communities at The California Endowment, will lead us in a keynote address, followed by panel discussion with Natalia Linos, Executive Director of Harvard FXB Center from the United Nations Development Programme at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health. The panel will be moderated by Paul Reville, the Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration and Founding Director of the EdRedesign. Following the plan, there will be time for Q & A at the end.
The Role of Community Engagement in Collective Impact: Lessons from the Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships ǀ Dr. Karen Mapp, Senior Lecturer on Education, Faculty Director, Education Policy and Management, HGSE; Eyal Bergman, Doctor of Education Leadership Candidate, HGSE (Check out their website at Dr. Karen Mapp, Senior Lecturer on Education Faculty Director of Education Policy and Management, along with Eyal Bergman, an EdLD Candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, will lead this workshop focusing on the essential conditions for family-community partnerships including both process conditions, such as an asset-based approach that is culturally responsive, as well as organizational conditions, such as an integrated, embedded strategy.
Health and Education: Collaborative Action for Children’s Success ǀ Bridget Rodriguez, Managing Director, EdRedesign; Dr. John Deasy, Superintendent, Stockton Unified School District; Dr. David Soglin, Chief Medical Officer, La Rabida Children’s Hospital, Chicago; Margaret Brennan, President & CEO, North Shore Community Health: This session will be focused on the integration of health and education as a strategy for building systems of child-wellbeing and education that disrupt the persistent link between poverty and poor education outcomes as well as college and career success. Panelists included Superintendent Dr. John Deasy of Stockton, CA, Dr. David Soglin, the Chief Medical Officer at La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL, and Margaret Brennan, the Executive Director at the Northshore Medical Center.
Achieving Your By All Means Goals ǀ Daniela Lewy, Managing Partner, Social Determinants of Health Consulting, LLC; Lynne Sacks, Research Director, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE: Lynne Sacks, Research Director at the EdRedesign, and Daniela Lewy, Managing Partner at Social Determinants of Health Consulting, will share lessons for sustaining collaborative action from the newly-released BAM report and will take the group through an exercise to dive deep into challenges that communities are facing in reaching their goals. This session will include a problem-sharing and brainstorming protocol in order for communities to leave the session with new ideas for addressing local cross-sector challenges.
Daniela Lewy, Social Determinants of Health; Dr. Anthony Iton, The California Endowment; Natalia Linos, Harvard FXB, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; and Paul Reville, Francis Keppel Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration, Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Director, Education Redesign Lab discuss social determinants of health and education success at the Fall 2019 By All Means Convening. Photography by Jill Anderson, HGSE.
So High We Can’t Get Over It? Overcoming Inherent Obstacles to Radical Change in Longstanding Institutions ǀ Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell, Associate Professor of Education, HGSE (Video Recording): Prof. Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell, Associate Professor of Education at Harvard Graduate School of Education will lead us in a keynote address, followed by audience Q & A for 30 minutes.
EdRedesign Success Plan Overview ǀ Lynne Sacks, Research Director, EdRedesign; Michelle Sedaca, Research Manager, EdRedesign: Lynne Sacks, Research Director at the EdRedesign Lab, HGSE will lead a brief overview of the recently released Success Plan Report and share additional resources that are pertinent to this work. Lynne will be joined by Michelle Sedaca, Research Manager at Education Redesign Lab, HGSE.
Promises and Challenges of an Integrated Data Platform ǀ Lynne Sacks, Research Director, EdRedesign: This session will explore the promises and challenges of integrated data platforms to support Success Plans. During this session participants will see short demos of platforms being used in four By All Means communities including Connect for Health in Providence, Salesforce in Oakland, UniteUS in Louisville and City Connects in Salem. The session will also include plenty of time for Q&A.
Building and Maintaining a Sustainable Backbone Organization ǀ Kseniya Benderskaya, Manager of the Working Cities Challenge, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: This session will focus on the essential elements necessary for sustainable backbone organizations. By All Means communities are focused on creating or strengthening sustainable backbone organizations. This session will feature lessons learned from the Federal Reserve's Working Cities Initiative presented by Kseniya Benderskyaya, Working Cities Challenge Manager. The session will be facilitated by Daniela Lewy, Managing Partner of Social Determinants of Health.
Fill Your Toolbox: Tools for Effective Children’s Cabinets and Cross Sector Working Groups ǀ Elizabeth Gaines, Founding Director, The Children’s Funding Project: Elizabeth Gaines of the Children’s Funding Project will provide a sneak peek at a brand-new toolkit for local children’s cabinets. The toolkit captures best practices of established cabinets across the country and contains practical tools for the 25+ (and growing) members of the Local Children’s Cabinet Network. After a brief presentation of the toolkit, participants will break into small groups to share with their peers and to explore sections of the toolkit related to building a cabinet, managing a cabinet, setting cabinet goals, or choosing indicators to track goals.
Making the Case for Success Plans ǀ Karen Wunderlin, Founder and CEO of The Wunderlin Company (Video Recording): This session will focus on how to communicate effectively about the work each By All Means community is engaged in. Karen Wunderlin, Founder and CEO of the Wunderlin Company will lead this workshop. Communities will leave this session with a shared message about their goals and initiatives.
The Challenges of Leading Change ǀ John Kania, Executive in Residence, New Profit: John Kania, Executive in Residence at New Profit and former Global Managing Director at FSG, a nonprofit consulting firm supporting leaders in achieving large scale lasting social change will deliver a lunch talk. John is a preeminent nonprofit and corportate consultant and author of highly- regarded books and articles on social change. He is also one of Stanford Social Innovation Review’s most frequently published authors, with recent articles: Collective Impact (21001), Strategic Philanthropy for a Complex Work (2014) and The Dawn of System Leadership (2015) as well as the recently published The Water of Systems Change (2018), which helps practitioners to identify the highest leverage points in creating change in their system.
Additional Helpful Worksheets from the Spring 2019 By All Means Convening ǀ Elevator Speech Worksheet & Success Plan Messaging

Opportunities for Addressing Equity and Access through Personalized Systems of Support ǀ Phyllis Lockett, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, LEAP Innovations
The Promise of Individual Student Success Plans: Emerging Findings from the Field ǀ Lynne Sacks, Saeyun Lee, Michelle Sedaca, EdRedesign, HGSE
Translating ISSP Research to Practice ǀ Daniela Lewy, Managing Partner, Social Determinants of Health Consulting, LLC
Strategies for Funding ISSP Efforts ǀ Elizabeth Gaines, Founder, The Children’s Funding Project
Who You Know: Innovations that Enrich & Expand Networks ǀ Julia Freeland Fisher, Director of Education Research, Clayton Christensen Institute & Author of Who You Know: Unlocking Innovations that Expand Students’ Networks

By All Means team members from Louisville participate in table discussions at the Fall 2018 BAM Convening.
Place and Race Matter: Building Communities of Opportunity for Children and Youth ǀ Angela Glover Blackwell, Chief Executive Officer, PolicyLink
Latest in Trauma Research and Practice: An Innovative Example of Union & Health Partnership ǀ Melanie Berry, Harvard Center on the Developing Child; Audrey Soglin, Karen Peterson, Brenda Bannor, Partnership for Resilience
Finding the Money: Mapping Public Resources ǀ Elizabeth Gaines, Founder, The Children’s Funding Project
A View from Philanthropy: Designing Systems of Education and Child Wellbeing with learning Differences in Mind ǀ Lynne Sacks, EdRedesign; Eve Goldberg, Nellie Mae Education Foundation; Bethiel Girma Holton, Oak Foundation; Chelsea Myers, EdRedesign
By All Means Governance Lessons: Learnings from the Field ǀ Paul Reville, Founding Director, EdRedesign; Kenneth Wong, Brown University
Whole Child Approach to Personalization ǀ Dr. Brooke Stafford-Brizard, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (Video Recording)
BAM 2.0 and ISSP Overview ǀ Paul Reville, Founding Director, EdRedesign, HGSE
Convening Remarks ǀ Paul Reville, Founding Director, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE
Latest Learnings from the Lab ǀ Lynne Sacks, Research Director, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE
A National Perspective on Building Equitable Systems of Education and Well-being for All Children ǀ Former U.S. Secretary of Education, John B. King Jr, President & CEO, Education Trust
Raising Resources: Preparing to Pursue a Local Children’s Levy ǀ Elizabeth Gaines, Founder and Director, Children’s Funding Project
Messaging and Building Movements to Advance a Children’s Opportunity Agenda ǀ Jane Feinberg, Founder and Principal, Full Frame Communications; Bill Girouard, VP/CD/Copywriter, Arnold Worldwide
Health Determinants for Student Success ǀ Carolyn Lyons, Director, Special Initiatives, Campaign for Grade Level Reading; Tracey Schear, Director, Center for Healthy Schools
Askwith Forum: How Mayors Are Leading the Way on Child Development & Education ǀ Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Mayor Jorge Elorza, Mayor Greg Fischer, and Mayor Libby Schaaf
The below sessions were also offered, but no associated materials are available:
Student Voice in Reform Efforts ǀ Delanoe Johnson, Associate Reimagine Learning Fund, New Profit
Systems Leadership & The Dance of Change Workshop ǀ Peter Senge, Sr Lecturer in Leadership and Sustainability & Jameel World Education Lab Fellow, MIT; Dr. Mette Boell, Director, Garrison Collaborative for Integrative Learning & Jameel World Education Lab, MIT
The Role of Municipal Communities in Building Equitable Systems for Children & Youth ǀ Paul Reville, Founding Director, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE; Rashaad Abdur-Rahman, Director, Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, Louisville Metro Government; Dean Jim Ryan, HGSE; Lisa Villarreal, CEO, Youth Joint Powers Authority
Pathways to Impact ǀ Paul Reville, Founding Director, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE
Creating Systems of Support through Partnerships ǀ City Panel – Somerville, MA; Salem, MA; Louisville, KY
Personalization of Services ǀ City Panel – Providence, RI; Oakland, CA; Newton, MA
Equity and Collective Impact in Systems Change ǀ Dr. Michael McAfee, President, PolicyLink (Video Recording)
Equity Issues in Systems Change Work: Supporting Immigrant and Undocumented Students ǀ Roberto Gonzales, Assistant Professor of Education, HGSE
Municipal & District Equity Policies and Practices ǀ Dominic Rollins, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, HGSE; James Harris, President, Oakland Unified School District; Dr. John Marshall, Chief Equity Officer, JCPS
Integrating Health and Education ǀ Andrea Bustamente, Tom Lenz, Lisa Villareal
Research and Promising Practices in Social and Emotional Learning ǀ Richard Fournier, Margaret Marotta, Brian Turner
Engaging the Community ǀ Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone, Adeola Oredola
The below session was also offered, but no associated materials are available:
Creative Local Financing to Support a Children’s Agenda ǀ Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland Director of Education David Silver
Personalization of the Learning and Enrichment Experience: Meeting kids where they are with what they need in any way they enjoy ǀ Robert Cunningham, Robert Lewis Stevenson School ; John Freeman, Pittsfield NH School District; Adam Seldow, Facebook; Connie Yowell, CEO of LRNG at Collective Shift
Integrating Health, Human Services and Education: Broadening Supports For Children ǀ Michelle Shannon, Boston Public Schools; Jim Balfanz, City Year; Steven McCullough, Communities In Schools; Mary Walsh, City Connects
The below sessions were also offered, but no associated materials are available:
Adaptive Leadership Part II ǀ Ron Heifetz, Founding Director, Center for Public Leadership
Closing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps, Building Systems of Supports Beyond School Hours ǀ Jennifer Davis, EdRedesign Lab, HGSE; Chris Caruso, Community Schools; Sharon Deich,Cross and Joftus; Khari Miller, Cambridge Agenda for Children
Collective Impact Case Study ǀ Jim Honan, Professor, HGSE
Opening Address ǀ Drew Faust, Former Harvard University President
Keynote Address ǀ Hon. Deval Patrick, Former Massachusetts Governor
Demography and Destiny ǀ Paul Reville, Founder, EdRedesign Lab, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Can Schools Alone Overcome the Challenges of Poverty ǀ Campbell Brown, the 74; Dr. Tiffany Anderson, Jennings Schools District; Richard Barth, KIPP Foundation; Dr. Pamela Cantor, Turnaround for Children, Roland Fryer, Harvard University
Best Practices for Children’s Cabinets ǀ Elizabeth Gaines, Founder and Director, Children’s Funding Project
Getting Started ǀ Jim Honan, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Adaptive Leadership ǀ Ron Heifetz, Founding Director, Center for Public Leadership, Harvard Kennedy School