About Us
Founded in 2014 by Paul Reville, former Massachusetts Secretary of Education and Professor of Practice of Educational Policy and Administration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, The EdRedesign Lab provides catalytic support to the cradle-to-career place-based partnership field to drive systems-level change and open personalized pathways to opportunity.
The landscape of opportunities for children, youth, and families is vastly inequitable throughout our nation, in every region and state, from city to city, and neighborhood to neighborhood. Factors outside of school, including structural racism and economic inequity, explain much of the variance in well-being, educational attainment, and upward mobility, yet efforts to achieve equity for children and youth have largely focused on changing what happens in school. So, we need strategies that go beyond schools to ensure that all children and youth thrive.
We believe strategies to expand opportunities for children and youth have two critical components: place-based, cross-sector collaboration to remove structural barriers and open pathways to opportunity; and personalized, relationship-based supports, what we call Success Plans, for children and youth to reach their full potential.

Cradle-to-career place-based partnerships between and among governmental agencies serving children, youth, and families, school systems, healthcare systems and providers, community- and faith-based organizations, philanthropies, and for-profit and not-for-profit businesses are gaining momentum across the country. We support this growing field to drive transformational, systems-level change that serves the needs and talents of individual children and youth.