Our Impact

EdRedesign serves the cradle-to-career place-based partnership field by promoting cross-sector systems of support and opportunity for all children and youth. We believe strategies to expand opportunities for children and youth have two critical components: place-based, cross-sector collaboration to remove structural barriers and open pathways to opportunity; and personalized, relationship-based supports, what we call Success Plans, for children and youth to reach their full potential.
Learn about the transformational work happening in some of the communities we support across the nation

San Francisco’s Mission District:
A Transformational Prenatal-to-Career Model
A By All Means Senior Fellow's, Success Planning, and Recent EdRedesign Case Study Community
Under the umbrella of the Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA), founded in 1973, and the Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN), the Mission District in San Francisco has become a national model for place-based prenatal-to-career strategies designed to “build Latino prosperity, community ownership, and civic power." For the people who live there, MEDA has been a lifeline, providing access to stable housing, affordable childcare, afterschool programs, mental health support, financial capability coaching, small business loans, and a host of other services. EdRedesign documented MEDA’s development and impact in a case study highlighting MEDA’s growth into a leading place-based collaboration that is changing the life trajectories of local residents. MEDA/MPN also joined EdRedesign’s Success Planning Community of Practice in 2023.
Read stories of Mission residents whose lives have been transformed by MPN

Chattanooga 2.0: Advancing Equity and Opportunity in Hamilton County
A By All Means and Success Planning Community
Following a report commissioned by local public and private sector leaders in 2015 sounding the alarm on birth to career outcomes for children and youth in Hamilton County, TN, Chattanooga 2.0, a member of our Institute for Success Planning and By All Means Communities of Practice that serves as the cradle-to-career collaborative of Chattanooga-Hamilton County, was formed. In 2019, the Chattanooga Children’s Cabinet was established, and its Success Planning initiative launched. EdRedesign has supported Chattanooga throughout its journey to realize its vision of a thriving and inclusive economy for all its children and families.

Dayton’s Hope Zone: Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty
A Promise Neighborhood Joining EdRedesign’s Success Planning Community of Practice
Omega Community Development Corporation (Omega CDC), a community-based partnership backbone organization formed in 1997, is empowering families in 17 neighborhoods in northwest Dayton to break the cycle of generational poverty through cradle-to-career place-based services.
Omega CDC offers programs designed to empower families and individuals to take an asset-based approach to self-sufficiency. In 2023, Omega CDC received a $28 million federal Promise Neighborhood grant. Joining EdRedesign’s Success Planning Community of Practice was a key feature of their Promise Neighborhood grant proposal. Upon joining our Success Planning Community of Practice this year, Dayton planned to integrate Success Planning for their students into their well-established Family Success Coaching model.

Memphis: Improving School and Career Readiness Through Cradle-to-Career Collaborative Action and Personalized Opportunities
A Success Planning Community
Memphis joined our Institute for Success Planning Community of Practice in 2023. Seeding Success, the community’s cross-sector collaborative action backbone organization that is part of the StriveTogether network, has been committed to advancing social and economic mobility for children and youth since 2013.
Memphis has begun to integrate Success Planning into its established cross-sector efforts to create a holistic, integrated cradle-to-career system of supports and opportunities for children and youth.

Nashville: "Every Student Known": Building Systems of Support through Nashville's Navigator Initiative
A Success Planning Community
Nashville is a member of our Institute for Success Planning Community of Practice. In 2020, Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) developed a districtwide strategy to respond to the pandemic, pairing students with a caring adult, called a Navigator, to ensure students feel known, cared for, respected, and supported.
Dr. Keri Randolph, then the executive officer of strategic investments for MNPS, brought the concept of Navigator to the district based on her work at EdRedesign during her doctoral program at Harvard Graduate School of Education. The MNPS Navigator program has since become integral to the district’s “Every Student Known” vision. MNPS has recently been highlighted at the state level for its remarkable progress in 2023: exceeding the state’s growth in 7 out of 8 categories and achieving their highest-level ELA proficiency ratings under the current state proficiency standards.

New York City: Every Child and Family is Known
A Success Planning Community
New York joined our Institute for Success Planning Community of Practice in 2022 to design a Success Planning initiative to create a comprehensive system of supports and opportunities for children and families living in shelters. The NYC Children's Cabinet launched its Every Child and Family is Known (ECFIK) pilot in 2023. The pilot program will pair 1,500 students living in shelters in the Bronx with caring adults to build one-on-one supportive relationships to nurture success. The initiative includes training for caring adults, workshops on emotional health and trauma-informed practices, and collaboration with various city agencies and community-based organizations.

Poughkeepsie: Investing in Youth and Families
A By All Means and Success Planning Community
The Poughkeepsie Children's Cabinet (PCC), co-founded by EdRedesign’s Deputy Director, Rob Watson, was formed in February 2020 to develop a citywide cradle-to-career agenda for children, youth, and families in the City of Poughkeepsie, New York.
The Children’s Cabinet is chaired by Poughkeepsie’s Mayor and Superintendent and supported by Dutchess County, which pledged $25 million to build a Youth Opportunity Union, a visionary new community center for youth and families, located in the heart of Poughkeepsie. Poughkeepsie is a member of both our By All Means coalition and our Institute for Success Planning’s Community of Practice, integrating cradle-to-career collaborative action and relationship-based personalized supports and opportunities for children and youth.