Dayton’s Hope Zone: Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty
A Promise Neighborhood Joining EdRedesign’s Success Planning Community of Practice
Omega Community Development Corporation (Omega CDC), a community-based backbone organization formed in 1997, is empowering families in the Hope Zone —17 neighborhoods in northwest Dayton — to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Omega CDC provides cradle-to-career place-based services, offering programs designed to empower families and individuals to take an asset-based approach to self-sufficiency in four focus areas:
- Education,
- Economic stability,
- Health and wellness, and
- Community.
Omega CDC collaborates with public, philanthropic, and private partners and funders to serve children and families. Omega CDC’s programs for children include wrap-around services for the entire family.
In early 2023, Omega CDC announced that it had received a Promise Neighborhood federal grant of more than $28 million. The funding is expected to help improve educational and social outcomes for children and families in the Hope Zone.
Omega CDC was accepted into the Institute for Success Planning Community of Practice 2023. Its strong cross-sector place-based partnership strategies serve as a solid foundation for a Success Planning initiative.
Omega CDC supports high-quality, out-of-school time learning and enrichment opportunities, substance abuse and violence prevention support, one-on-one professional counseling, as well as family coaching.
Economic Stability
Through a number of programs, Omega CDC provides coaching and training to help secure and maintain living wage jobs and reach academic and professional success.

Health & Wellness
Omega CDC implements programs to increase and strengthen the mental and physical health of children, parents, and senior residents of the Hope Zone.

Omega CDC resource coordinators and coaches engage residents in opportunities that enhance and strengthen the Northwest Dayton community.
They say that the first step is the hardest, and that was true when I first heard about the type of help that is offered by Omega CDC, because I was too embarrassed, ashamed, and afraid to call. I was in a transitioning phase of my life and asking for help is not easy for me, but immediately upon contacting the Hope Center and Omega CDC, I was uplifted and encouraged. – Omega CDC Member