Robert Fisher

Robert Fisher is a cross-sector leadership associate at The EdRedesign Lab and a 2027 doctor of education leadership (Ed.L.D.) candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE). Robert’s career has spanned the public, nonprofit, and social sectors, with a specific focus on improving cradle-to-career education and economic mobility outcomes. Just before enrolling in the Ed.L.D., Robert supported cradle-to-career organizations and local coalitions committed to advancing racial justice and economic mobility outcomes at Fisher Strategy Partners (FSP), a strategy consulting firm he founded in 2021. Prior to launching FSP, Robert served in several public sector leadership roles in his home state of Tennessee, to include Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor for P20W in the Office of Nashville Mayor John Cooper as well as Director for Strategic Operations & Innovation in the Office of the Deputy Superintendent of Strategic Operations & Finance at Memphis-Shelby County Schools. Both a Rhodes and Truman Scholar, Robert holds an undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga as well as master’s degrees in public policy and education from the University of Oxford in Oxford, England.