Actionable Research
Actionable research focuses on solutions. EdRedesign is exploring effective practices and policies that support high-impact cross-sector collaborations and personalized, relationship-based supports.
Our goal is to identify what’s working well and what isn’t, to inform and inspire local communities, practitioners, and policymakers to accelerate bold efforts to build cross-sector, community-wide systems of support, and to create personalized pathways to opportunity for children from birth to adulthood.
To meet the growing demand in our field for actionable resources and evidence of impact:
- We disseminate data-focused proof points, resources and toolkits, and case studies that highlight key lessons, challenges, best practices, and strategies for the field.
- We measure the impact of cradle-to-career collaborative action and Success Planning.
- Teams in our Communities of Practice identify community-specific goals and metrics that they track to measure impact.
- We build research-practice partnerships with community partners driving transformational change for children, youth, and families.
- We pursue quantitative studies to build the evidence base for our field.
“Every Student Known” has become the mantra of the Metro Nashville Public Schools (Metro Nashville), which pair students with a caring adult, called a Navigator, to ensure students feel known, cared for, respected, and supported. This commitment across the entire district originated as a response to...
Through extensive interviews with leaders in the field about their experiences and reflections on the demands of their positions, this field study fills a gap in information about, and understanding of, what backbone leaders need in terms of competencies and skills as well as supports to effectively...
From career exploration to school transitions to mental health services, students in Leslie County Schools are actively engaged in a diverse range of tailored support systems that most rural schools lack the capacity to accommodate. One may ask: who are these educators and how are they offering such...
To explore more, visit our Resources and Research page